Read This Before You Update
to .NET Framework 4.6
Dentrix has released a compatibility update
for .NET Framework 4.6.
arlier this year, Microsoft began automatically
distributing a new version of their .NET Framework
(.NET 4.6.1) through Windows Updates. This version
of .NET Framework, which was previously available only in
Windows 10, removed functionality that was used by the
Dentrix Chart,
Treatment Planner,
Document Center, and
modules. As a result of
the changes, if .NET
4.6 or higher was
installed on any
Figure 1 Some Dentrix modules would
computer running
no longer open after .NET Framework
Dentrix, the Dentrix
was updated.
modules listed above
would no longer open
but would instead display an error message (Figure 1).
To address this issue for Dentrix G5.2 and G6 customers,
Henry Schein released the Dentrix compatibility update
for .NET 4.6. (Dentrix G6.1 and higher already included the
update.) This software patch allows Dentrix to work correctly
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whether you are running the older or newer version of
Microsoft .NET Framework. The compatibility update is small
and very easy to install. No database conversion is required,
and a computer restart is usually not required as long as you
close any error messages first. After running the compatibility
update on one computer, t he update is automatically pushed
out to the other computers on the network.
Many of you have already received and installed the
compatibility update. If you have not installed it, we highly
recommend that you do so. You can find instructions on
how to do this by visiting the Dentrix Resource Center and
reviewing article 80353.
It is important that you install this update before you
update to .NET 4.6 or higher. It is equally important, once
you have installed this update, to work with your hardware
technician to install .NET Framework 4.6 or higher. For more
information about .NET Framework 4.6, visit
Dentrix Product Manager