Denton ISD Our Impact In Your Community Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 8

In all, 28 portraits from Denton High artists were hand delivered to children in Syria. DENTON HIGH ARTISTS SEND PRICELESS PORTRAITS TO SYRIAN REFUGEES Story by Julie Zwahr Photos by James Rosin and Julie Zwahr 8 According to Evan Stout, taking an art class at Denton High School is about letting yourself go and being as creative as you want. By using a variety of materials, he knew enrolling in James Rosin’s class could ramp up his dream of becoming a professional animator. the 8x10 photos of a child from a table and spend the next few weeks creating a custom portrait. Students could choose to draw or paint in pencil, ink, oil or pastel, but they were told it needed to be something that could travel and withstand extreme conditions. A few months in, Mr. Rosin tasked his students, including Evan, with a project to select one of Since Denton High is an International Baccalaureate campus, Mr. Rosin believed this