Denton ISD Our Impact In Your Community Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 13
EP Rayzor’s Becky
Williams named
2018 Jostens
Elementary Teacher
of the Year
For some, keeping 74 fifth
graders at E.P. Rayzor
Elementary School excited
about science each day
might be taxing, but for
Becky Williams her days
are filled with effortless fun
and energy. She was tapped
from 23 individual campus
nominees and named the
district’s 2018 Jostens Elementary Teacher
of the Year.
“To know these students at this amazing, early
age and to see they don’t know exactly who they
are supposed to be, yet, and have an impact – that
is the magic of being a teacher,” said Ms. Williams.
Mrs. Williams, a known weather enthusiast, said
her own personal teaching style can be summed
up in what she calls productive struggle.
She explained it, much like she does with her
students: “Productive struggle, the learning pit,
the power of yet, ‘It’s a good day to be wrong’ and
‘Now what?’ are the significant threads embedded
throughout the learning experience that promote
a growth mindset in each of my students.”
talents, Mrs. Williams is very
humbled by honors and awards.
Colleagues had to coax her
to accept the award and she
admitted that she prefers
working with students rather
than filling out applications for
personal recognition.
“To know these students at this
amazing, early age and to see
they don’t know exactly who
they are supposed to be, yet,
and have an impact – that is
the magic of being a teacher.”
—Becky Williams
“It took me two full weeks before I could allow
myself to park in the ‘Teacher of the Year’ parking
spot,” she said. “Just didn’t feel comfortable with the
title, I’m honored but it just feels a little weird.”
Mrs. Williams has been in education for almost
20 years and is completing her 12th year with
the district.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in Elementary
Education from the University of Texas at Austin and
a master’s degree from the University of
North Texas.
Her teaching is rooted in serving others and being
collaborative, so much so that she was nominated
for the Presidential Award for Excellence in
Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) by
her principal, Mrs. Mary Dunlevy.
While those around her celebrate her teaching