Denton County Living Well Magazine Winter 2015 | Page 17

NLP––Neuro- Linguistic Programming My first encounter with NLP was during a trip through Asia where I casually met Neurocoach Felix Sanchez. Felix, an NLP practitioner (IANLP) from Dominican Republic and Vice President of The Dominican Association for Neurolinguistic Programming, explained that this methodology deals with mental connections and perceptions and teaches how to modify them so that we can enter into certain states of individual excellence and have the ability to obtain the results we desire. It is a combination between brain, language, and body. After researching and practicing some techniques based on NLP founders, John Grinder and Richard Bandler, I can conclude it works. To explain NLP in simple form here’s how it’s internalized: Neuro––our mental system absorbs through the senses (images, sensations, taste, smell) the data received. It is called mental map or first access. Linguistic––a second mental map is created by assigning language to the data absorbed in neuro. Programming––the behavioral response after neuro linguistic filtering. The power of communication involves the verbal (word power) and non verbal (body interpretation ) language. In human communication the f