Denton County Living Well Magazine Winter 2014 | Page 21
By Ron VanBuskirk, MD
An article I read recently stated,
isn’t what it
used to be.”
From a physician’s perspective, I
can tell you that it certainly is not.
Americans have seen a dramatic
change in their life expectancy
since 1900 – rising from 47 years
to 79 years. Medical science has
done much to change not only
this average length of life, but also
how that life comes to a close. In
1900, most deaths were the result
of an infectious disease, but now,
diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, and more bring
about our demise. Sadly, while seven out of ten Americans today say
they would prefer to die at home,
(which, by the way, is where the
majority of Americans died in the
1900s), over 70% of those Americans
die in institutions surrounded not by
family and friends, but alone, sur-
rounded by a cacophony of machines, tubes and technology.
When we ask ourselves how to
make our final journey what we
want it to be like (i.e. more comfortable, less suffering, time to fully
live with those we care about, doing the things we choose, etc…)
the answer is high quality hospice
While most individuals have the
mistaken perception that hospice
care is about death or is a “death
sentence,” the truth is that the very
best hospice care is about giving
life. A recent Duke University study
compared people with like diseases and like condition levels, and
showed that those receiving hospice care not only lived better, but
they lived longer that those without
this care.
knowledgeable team of professionals including physicians, nurses,
social workers, chaplains, aides
and even trained volunteers, caring for you in your home, focusing on your wishes and goals and
keeping you comfortable enough
to live every moment of your life.
Imagine your family having education, guidance and support in caring for you so that they can spend
quality time with you. That is excellence of hospice care in a nutshell.
As a physician, I want that for myself and for those I love, and I find
that providing this type of care is
the most rewarding work I have
ever done. My prescription for you
is to explore your options. Find out
what quality hospice care is all
about… and do it now, before it is
too late.
Imagine having a highly trained,
Ron VanBuskirk, MD, is the Medical Director of Home Hospice of Grayson, Cooke & Fannin
Counties. For more information, visit or call 940-665-9891
What Comforts You?
Home HosPIce
established in 1982
Specialists in pain &
symptom control
guidance for patients
& families
legacy project
whispers from home
Bear hugs program
community education
& outreach
Sherman 903-868-9315 | gaineSville 940-665-9891
physicians + nurses
Social workers
Spiritual counselors
Bereavement counselors
Trained volunteers
When cure is no longer possible,
Home Hospice offers comfort & care.
DENTON COUNTY Living Well Magazine | WINTER 2014