Denton County Living Well Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 48

Gregory D. Roberts, M.D. The “Scarless” Face Lift By Pamela Hammonds E ating right and exercising are great ways to stave off the inevitable signs of aging. But even if you’re devoted to wellness, over time your skin loses elasticity, bone and tissue deteriorate and hereditary factors become more pronounced. North Texas residents can count themselves fortunate that nationallyknown facial plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory D. Roberts is a short drive away. He’s refined a face lift technique, known as the “scarless” face lift, which allows patients to recover from surgery with virtually no visible scarring. The “scarless” face lift involves a series of surgical methods and meticulous precision that can help restore more natural, youthful facial features with virtually imperceptible signs of surgical intervention. “My one guiding principle is that your cosmetic surgery looks natural,” said Dr. Roberts. “You should look refreshed and well-rested, never pulled.” Dr. Roberts takes the time necessary to meticulously place and close incisions, ensuring that his patients’ incisions are virtually invisible, as well as helping to minimize bruising and quicken the healing process. Dr. Roberts and his staff are thorough and attentive before and after surgery, making sure each patient understands the procedure and recovery time. Many of Dr. Roberts’ patients also find pleasing results with a nonsurgical face lift alternative known as a Liquid Face Lift. Revolumizing the face with a Liquid Face Lift can be done alone or in conjunction with a face lift to restore natural, youthful volume and contours. Dr. Roberts appreciates that each patient is a unique individual with specific needs and expectations. “I like to spend time with each patient discussing options and determining what will produce the best and most consistent results to fit the patient’s goals and desires,” he said. If your goal is smoother, clearer skin tone and texture, skin resurfacing with advanced lasers such as D.O.T. or Fraxel® can be a tremendous help, as well. For patients seeking more com- prehensive facial rejuvenation, Dr. Roberts might recommend an R-Lift, which integrates a “scarless” face lift (or other cosmetic surgery), as well as a liquid face lift and fractional laser resurfacing. “An R-Lift essentially blends the three R’s of facial rejuvenation,” said Dr. Roberts, “Repositioning (drooping skin), Revolumizing (flattened facial features) and Repairing (sun damaged skin).” “There’s a tremendous amount of satisfaction that comes along with my work,” he said. “Seeing patients get positive results from their procedure, as well as seeing their renewed confidence, and then hearing th H