Denton County Living Well Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 17
Powerful Energy Boosters
Daily Tips with Staying Power
By Kathleen Barnes
emotional and spiritual energy,” says Jon Gordon, of Jacksonville, Florida, author of The Energy Bus and consultant
to Fortune 500 companies, sports teams, hospitals and
schools on the subject of staying positive.
Exercise, a widely acknowledged energy booster, does
double duty in moderating stress, according to the experts.
Gordon’s prime recommendation for vanquishing it is a
combination of exercise and emotional balancing: “You
can’t be under stress and thankful at the same time,” he
A consistently healthy diet can be the missing key ingre- says. “So take a ‘thank-you’ walk every day and get the bendient to maintaining high energy in the long term, along efits of the physical exercise, as well as shifting emotions to
with avoiding short-term energy dips. A diet featuring a more positive state.”
Dr. Judith Orloff, author of Positive Energy, adds,
antioxidant-rich vegetables, healthy carbohydrates, low-fat
proteins and healthy fats will not only keep energy levels “Walking meditations are joyous exercises in mindfulhigh, it’s also essential to long-term health, according to Dr. ness, putting one foot in front of the other and being in
Christine Gerbstadt, a registered dietitian and spokesper- the now; set your critical mind aside to be replenished by
the energy of the air, greenery and nature.
son for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
“I also practice this short meditation throughout the day
“If you think of getting energy from a cup of coffee or
a candy bar, understand that it’s just a quick boost that to calm myself and become more energized and clear,” she
doesn’t last long,” advises Gerbstadt, author of The Doctor’s says. “For just three minutes, I close my eyes, focus on my
breath and then envision a positive image,
Detox Diet. “The kind of energy you get
such as the night sky reflected in a body of
from complex carbs and whole grains
mini-tune-ups get you back to
will stay with you.”
TAKING SMALL BREAKS water. Theseyou are centered and clear to
yourself, so
Adding a little protein, like a piece
FROM THE WORKDAY CAN continue your day.”
of low-fat cheese or a dollop of peanut
butter on a whole grain cracker, will
keep energy steady for even longer,
starting with breakfast.
Judith OrlON THE TASKS AT HAND. offIn her book, Positive Energy, Dr.keep spirits
Gerbstadt further notes that a
offers simple strategies to help
GETTING AWAY FROM THE high. The first is to choose our friends wisely.
midafternoon energy drop may be due
to a blood sugar dip. The carb/protein
COMPUTER SCREEN TO Most of us have encountered someone that
plan also works well at these times, or a
WEED THE GARDEN FOR repeatedly drains our energy and do well to
cup of green tea might just hit the spot.
10 MINUTES OR TAKING A recognize theeyelids of an “emotional vam“Green tea does deliver some caffeine,
pire”: “Your
get heavy and you feel
QUICK TURN AROUND THE like taking a nap,” she says. “Draw boundarbut it has literally hundreds of antioxidants, like epigallocatechin gallate
BLOCK CAN QUICKLY ies by learning that saying ‘No’ is a complete
(EGCG), that boost metabolism and
stoke the metabolic fires,” she says.
For friends and relatives that always
Plus, because most people have
seem to be in the middle of a crisis: Do not
less-than-perfect diets, certain supencourage a drama king or queen by askplements can help raise energy levels
ing him or her how they are, advises Orland enhance overall health. Gerbstadt recommends vitamin off. To deal with a chatterbox,“You must politely interrupt,
D for those that don’t spend much time in the sun, to en- as hard as that skill may be to learn.”
hance immune function; fish oil for non-fish eaters for heart
Finally, “Laughter gives a big energy boost, so be silly
and brain health; and all B-vitamins to support everyone’s and have fun.” Share a laughter break.
natural energy production.
Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous natural health
books, including The Super Simple HCG Diet. Learn more at
“Stress is one of the biggest energy zappers of physical,
any Americans occasionally complain of
having a lack of energy, and for some it’s
a daily experience. Low energy levels can
arise from a number of underlying factors,
but poor diet and ongoing stress are the
most likely culprits.
Eat Right
Bonus Energy Boosts
Reverse an
energy slump
Manage Stress
Denton County Living Well Magazine • Spring 2014