Denton County Living Well Magazine November/December 2017 | Page 19

By Michelle Wallace
woman who was clearly out of her mind . She was striking a child strapped in a chair . I went back to my room and told the Lord I couldn ’ t do it . I was sad because I just didn ’ t have the strength or the emotional margin to be there . But He gently and kindly wiped my tears , strengthened my arms for the work . “ Michelle , the darkness isn ’ t dark to me . You are my answer to these children . Will you let me love through you ?”
Do we believe we can shift atmospheres , change cultures , bring light to the darkness and life in places of death ! Our lives should cause others to marvel . As the Father sent the Son , so He sends you .
There ’ s a scripture that plainly answers the question of a broken world , even as it seems to grow darker . “ Arise [ from spiritual depression to a new life ], shine [ be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord ]; for your light has come , and the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you . “ For in fact , darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness will cover the peoples ; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory and brilliance will be seen on you . Nations will come to your light , and kings to the brightness of your rising .” Isaiah 60 : 1-3 Amp .
I travel with my friends Kevin and Cheyenne to Vietnam . We visit several orphanages , but one of the orphanages we support is run by nuns . There ’ s a little girl named Tram . Most of the children come as infants saved from abortion . The moms are given a home and equipped to keep their baby . But if it ’ s not possible they surrender the baby . Tram was older when she was left on the steps of the orphanage by her mom . On the streets she was made to sell lottery tickets . In the orphanage she worked as a caregiver to the younger children . From the moment he met her , Kevin was in love with Tram . The lonely little girl in the corner , fell right back in love with him . Kevin and Cheyenne wanted to bring Tram home , but adoption between the U . S . and Vietnam was closed . God spoke Psalm 68 : 6 to my heart . “ I set the lonely in families .” Only God knew the long and difficult road to His promise .
On one particular visit the head nun said she was putting Tram back on the streets . Cheyenne was horrified . “ What if she is made to sell more than lottery tickets ,” she asked . “ Not my problem ,” the nun responded . Kevin began to speak , “ We know your love for these children , your sacrifice and how hard you work to care for them .”
Something in the heavens broke in that moment . The power that comes through loving in the most difficult circumstance melted the heart of stone and tears began to flow . Kevin said what His Father was saying . It ’ s His loving kindness that leads us back to Him .
Two years ago , adoption was again open between the U . S . and Vietnam . One of the first children placed on the list for approval was a little girl named Tram . And in September of 2017 Tram arrived safely in the U . S . She ’ s no longer lonely , she ’ s part of a family . Because of Kevin ’ s commitment to lead a life set apart for God , Tram ’ s home . There ’ s great adventure in His will . And there ’ s no better place to be .
To learn more about Michelle and see what she ’ s up to , visit her page on Facebook at “ Michelle Wallace-Hand of the King ”.