Denton County Living Well Magazine May/June 2017 | Page 19

By Michelle Wallace 3. Keep perspective through it all. Even when it’s hard, maintain an attitude of gratitude. Bill Johnson explains that there are opportunities to worship God on Earth in ways that we won’t be able to worship Him in Heaven. See the bigger picture. And don’t give up! If God has called you to it, He will bring you through it. Practically speaking, I understand what I’m called to during this time. If something comes up and it doesn’t answer my why, then I don’t take it on. I don’t have time to be distracted from what God has called me to build. So when the enemy or any other distraction comes my way, I simply don’t take the bait. However, I do have time for fun! When life is heavy or stressful we don’t have to lose our joy! I heard a young missionary, Jason Chin of Love Says Go, share the story of his recent move to Switzerland. He’s had challenges finding his sea legs. It’s been an adjustment in this new environment. He started to learn German but was fearful to speak. He decided to take a risk and begin talking to people. He said it’s so important to celebrate baby steps. The Bible says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Jason sold his Ford Mustang before moving and one day the Lord prompted him to buy a Ford Mustang Lego set. He felt a little silly but decided to just do it. He really loves Mustangs. Jason said, “As I was building the model, I really felt so much of God’s pleasure over my life.” He actually started tearing up and wondered what was going on. The Lord started speaking to him and this is what He said, “Son, this is what it’s all about. I am here with you while you’re building this Lego model. And son, you are enough, just as you are. Not because you’re changing the world, not because you’re winning all the lost. But you are enough because you’re my son.” God really impressed upon Jason not to feel guilty about enjoying what he was doing. He told Jason that it was for moments like this He inspired the creation of Legos. There’s something so precious about knowing the pleasure of God in and through everything we do in life. He wants us to enjoy our life, on the mountaintops and even in the valleys. After one very long and rough day, I was quiet enough to hear the Lord speak to me like He did Jason. “I am with you, I have been here