Denton County Living Well Magazine March/April 2020 | Page 36

VEGGIE TREND ALERT! Lookout for these veggies in 2020 By Julie Alvira S till in demand, vegetables (veggies) are on the rise and replacing popular carbs such as rice and flour. Veggies have been trending for some time. As more people avoid refined grains because of their link to inflam- mation, vegetables have become a nutritious alternative. The addition of gluten in a diet can cause an inflamma- tory response in the body that is linked to gluten intolerance. Gluten is mostly found in wheat, rye, farro, and barley. Farro, a trendy grain, also has gluten because it is a type of wheat grain. You’ve heard of veggies such as cab- bage and its relatives: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts (making a comeback), and kale. But, do you know why are people turning to them and what makes them popular? Let’s see. Cabbage: A plant that is usually eat- en as a vegetable, it’s a great source of fiber and is rich in antioxidants be- ta-carotene and vitamin C. You can use it in soups (I personally don’t like soups but a veggie one with cabbage, yes, please!), cut it for coleslaw, and use it to make all sorts of salads. If you slice cabbage, it can be grilled, fried, or steamed. Research needs to contin- ue on its cancer prevention qualities, although there are studies suggesting it can help with prostate and stomach cancer. Be careful of eating too much if you have diabetes because it had been said that cabbage can interfere with blood sugar levels. 34 Cauliflower: This veggie has become popular because of the keto-eating plan. Low caloric and rich in antioxi- dants like vitamin C, it also is rich in folate, vitamin K, fiber, and natural compounds that help with oxidative stress. It’s suggested that cauliflower helps with inflammation, premature aging, and prevention of heart dis- ease, cognitive decline, and diges- tion. Some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and others without the condition may find it a bit difficult to digest because cauliflower is a FOD- DENTON COUNTY Living Well Magazine | MARCH/APRIL 2020 MAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharide, and polyols food). A popular use for cau- liflower is to use it as rice. Cooked brown rice can have 210 calories/46 grams of carbs, while a cup of cauli- flower rice has 25 calories/5 grams of carbs. Brussels Sprouts: As the name sug- gests, this veggie hails from Brussels, Belgium. In the United States, they are mainly grown in New York and California. High in fiber, folate, vita-