Denton County Living Well Magazine March/April 2019 | Page 49

an enzyme in our bodies responsible for activating our inflammatory response. So instead of using a pharmaceutical pain re- liever, you can reach for an all-natural alter- native. If you experience brain fogginess, aches and pains, or mood swings, these may be signs of systemic inflammation. Tur- meric has been known in clinical trials to alleviate these symptoms. Like many of you, I have aging parents. My mother just turned 60 and she has been troubled with severe back pain. She finally told herself she was going to stop taking Ibuprofen every day and try something else. We went through all her supplements and decided to put Turmeric at the top of her list. This natural supplement has been shown to decrease levels of a key marker of inflammation, CRP. Turmeric boosts the regeneration of brain stem cells creating more youthful brain function. It has even been shown in a clinical trial to encourage the immune system to clean out unwanted protein debris in the brain that causes cog- nitive decline. Further it has the power to decrease cho- lesterol oxidation, which can lead to ar- terial clogs in the heart and blood vessel damage. Among the other benefits of this powerful antioxidant, it shows up as a joint pain reliever, effective at mood balancing, and has the potential to aid with proper digestion. Turmeric seems to be a preven- tative and regenerative supplement. Take it daily, along with black pepper extract and COQ10 for whole optimal benefit and ef- fective absorption. Ginger This spice has been used in cooking and dishes for centuries but it also has some powerful medicinal qualities. As an ex- pecting mother, I have reaped the benefits of ginger being an anti-nausea aid. This pungent spice is also a remarkable antiox- idant. We learned before that cancer can occur due to damaged cells, but ginger contains a compound 6-gingerol that may be able to slow or even reverse cancer cell growth in prostate, pancreatic and ovari- an cancers. More research needs to be done, but scientists seem positive about its anti-cancer benefits. Another great prop- erty of ginger is it regulates and reduces Amla (Indian Gooseberry Powder)  Douglas Won, MD Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Specialist Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon Dr. Douglas Won, a co-founder of Whole Green Living is a dual fellowship-trained physician and Board-certified by the American Board of Ortho- pedic Surgeons. Dr. Won is an innovator of Stem Cell Technology for over 12 years for Orthopedic and Spine conditions. He is active in the research and development of innovative stem cell therapy as well as spine care and in using advancing technology to create personalized treatment plans for variety of orthopedic conditions and cervical, thoracic and lumbar disorders. Dr. Won and Whole Green Living help others achieve optimal health through the life-changing power of whole food plant-based nutrition, exer- cise, avoidance of toxins, and restoration practices. They’re devoted to helping you along your personal journey to develop and sustain this healthy lifestyle free of many chronic diseases and conditions threatening quality and length of life. blood sugar levels, something people with diabetes need especially. If that wasn’t enough, because ginger acts as an antioxidant and therefore an anti-in- flammatory, it has been applauded for its aid with menstruation discomfort, decreas- ing the pain and duration of symptoms. This spice can also drastically help with osteoarthritis. Arthritis can arise at any age. The longer we put wear and tear on our bodies, the more likely our joints may suffer. Remember my 60-year-old mom I mentioned? Well she works herself silly, with yard work and housework; she still in- sists on mowing her own lawn! And even though these activities are great for her overall health, they do take a toll on joints. We found a turmeric supplement for her that also contains the ginger root extract with it. Ginger has been proven to reduce pain caused by common osteoarthritis. All together, this all-natural substance treats in- flammation, assists with proper digestion, increases immune responses, reduces cho- lesterol and, like turmeric, stimulates brain function. Take this aromatic supplement daily to access its antioxidant power and see the benefits first hand. The last, but certainly not least, super antioxidant I recommend consuming ev- ery day is Indian gooseberry. It is hard to know where to start with this special antioxidant, so I will begin from head to toe (or maybe about to your colon)! Indi- an gooseberry also known as amla, has been known to enhance and strengthen hair, and prevent hair thinning and bald- ing. This is attributed to the gooseberries’ rich carotene content, and again antioxi- dant (cell protecting) qualities. This berry improves already-developed cataracts and decreases risk for macular degeneration. Gooseberries also sup- port healthy immune function by increas- ing production of white blood cells, and supports strong bones by helping absorb calcium in the right ways. They also act as a diuretic and helps flush out toxins in the body. As long as you are maintain- ing proper fluid intake daily, this flushing property promotes healthy kidney function and can prevent urinary tract infections. This fruit also prevents heart diseases by strengthening the heart muscles and there- fore increasing circulation of blood. It can reduce cholesterol buildup and therefore prevent atherosclerosis. The Indian goose- berry can also act as a natural laxative to increase healthy bowel movements, and will help relieve diarrhea and dysentery. Lastly, a wonderful quality about this sup- plement is the quantity of iron it contains, which promotes the creation of red blood cells. Since the berry also contains a high amount of vitamin C, the iron is readily absorbed in our bodies and is a great supplement for people on a plant based diet, who choose not to consume animal based iron. At the end of the day, I want you to know that pain, discomfort, memory loss, tooth decay, excess wrinkles, dry skin, and chronic disease do not have to be symp- toms of aging. We are in control of our bodies and can increase our longevity, manage pain and reduce chronic disease through the supplementation of antioxi- dants. SEARCH FOR DR. DOUGLAS WON DENTON COUNTY Living Well Magazine | MARCH/APRIL 2019 47