Denton County Living Well Magazine July/August 2020 | Page 28

Continued from, page 25 THE CAUSE OF ADD Research indicates ADD is a neurobiological disorder with a strong genetic link. According to the nonprofit organization Children and Adults with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, exposure to nicotine or alcohol during fetal development, or several other environmental factors may also play a role in the development of ADD. MISDIAGNOSIS Studies show the incidence of ADD in men and women is nearly identical, says Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D., co-author of Understanding Women with AD/HD. There are several common reasons women with ADD often go undiagnosed. Doctors often diagnose the depression that accompanies ADD, but miss the ADD itself. Women, more often than men, have coexisting anxiety and depression, which must be treated as well. Also, women who are more hyperactive, hyper talkative, and impulsive are sometimes misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. Many doctors still look for signs of ADD more typical of boys. Many doctors fail to understand that ADD symptoms in females often don’t appear until puberty or later because of hormonal fluctuations. When girls enter adolescence, during PMS, and as estrogen levels drop in perimenopause and menopause, the symptoms of ADD often worsen. Also, girls tend to try harder in school, so their ADD patterns are often masked or overlooked by teachers. TREATMENT OPTIONS Several treatments are available for ADD. The most effective is a prescription medication. There’s a multitude of stimulant and non-stimulant drugs available for treatment. Behavioral therapy is also beneficial for both coming to terms with the lifelong disorder and to relieve negative coping behaviors. Coaching is also useful for learning new skills and strategies for structuring life. Because ADD is neurobiological, therapy and coaching work best in conjunction with medication. Several ineffective treatments are on the market, as well. Suspect therapies, according to CHADD, include dietary plans such as the Feingold Diet and vitamin and mineral supplements. Other treatments that lack evidence include anti-motion-sickness medication, Candida yeast, EEG Biofeedback, Applied Kinesiology, also known as Neural Organization Technique, and Optometric Vision Training, to name a few. Often, excessive claims are made about these treatments, citing a few favorable responses or studies that don’t hold up to scrutiny. WHERE TO FIND HELP An accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential. Finding a qualified provider isn’t always easy because adult ADD, particularly as it affects women, isn’t always recognized. Before seeking a diagnosis, read some Symptoms of ADD Some of the symptoms commonly seen in women, partially taken from Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults by Dr. Lynn Weiss, are as follows: • Difficulty completing tasks or following through on plans • Difficulty shifting attention • Excessively shifting from one activity to another • Trouble concentrating on reading • Impatience • Frequent preoccupation in thoughts and not hearing when spoken to • Difficulty sitting still or excessive fidgeting • Sudden and unexpected mood swings • Interrupting in conversations, speaking without considering consequences • Hot-tempered • Need for high stimulus • Forgetfulness • Low tolerance for frustration • A tendency toward substance abuse recommended books for a better understanding of the disorder and the diagnosis and treatment process. Also, compile a list of questions to ask your provider to ensure he has a clear understanding of the disorder and appropriate treatments. If you don’t feel comfortable with a physician’s responses, seek help elsewhere. 26 DENTON COUNTY Living Well Magazine | JULY/AUGUST 2020