Denton County Living Well Magazine July/August 2016 | Page 30
Summer Boredom
Turned Into “Good Times”
By Georgia Smith, MA
Children need to
experience a bit of
boredom in order
to venture out and
realize what is
to them.
hen my three children were young, I would think about the upcoming summer and what activities we could do to prevent them from being bored.
The truth is, summer boredom is not all bad! Psychologically, if a child is
not bored and always given activities, they may never know their likes
and dislikes. Children need to experience a bit of boredom in order to venture out and
realize what is enjoyable to them. Being entertained all summer could be wasting their
creativity and exploration. Entertaining them constantly will also cause parents to burn
out before the summer is over. Parents or caregivers should