Denton County Living Well Magazine January/February 2018 | Page 18

Build Bodywork Into Your Budget By Brenda Briscoe, LMT D id you know that those who receive some kind of bodywork are some of the healthiest people? It is no surprise that bodywork helps to regulate blood and lymphatic circulation. But did you ever consider that massage, chiropractic, energy work, and other forms of bodywork also support every system of your body? How about the immune system? Researchers from Cedars- Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles stated that in their study people who received a 45-minute Swedish massage had an increased number of lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that play a large role in defending the body from disease. “This research indicates that massage doesn’t only feel good, it also may be good for you,” said study researcher, Dr. Mark Rapaport, chairman of the department of psychiatry and be- havioral neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai. The massages also brought about lower levels of cytokines, molecules that play a role in inflammation. Chronically high levels of inflammation are known to be associated with asth- ma, cardiovascular disease and depression, among other conditions. Additionally, according to the researchers, hormone levels were impacted, enhancing the endocrine system. The study showed the participants had decreased levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and vasopressin, a hormone believed to play a role in aggressive behavior. Regarding the digestive system, massage releases tension in the abdominal and intestinal muscles; it relieves constipation, bloating, gas and cramps; assists with waste elimination; and stimulates liver and kidney activity, as well as peristalsis in the colon. The nervous system is also greatly enhanced with different kinds of massage and other bodywork. It stimulates the senses (touch, hear, smell, see, feel); it influences dopa- mine to control movement and elicit emotional responses, such as pleasure and pain; reduces pain levels in muscles, tendons, nerves, and fascia. Headaches often disappear with bodywork sessions. A 30-year-old female client once came to my office with a severe migraine, stating that if I could eliminate it, she had plans to celebrate her birthday that evening with friends. She reported it to be at a level of 10 (highest number on a 10-scale), could not endure bright light or loud sounds, and was nauseous. She had experienced some degree of headache pain every day since first grade. After her Bowen Therapy session, her pain was non-existent and 16 DENTON COUNTY Living Well Magazine | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 she was excited to be able to go out with her friends to dinner. In the reproductive system, bodywork promotes general breast health, assists prostate treatments, reduces men- strual cramps, promotes relaxation and loosens lower back muscles. Massage therapy also activates the urinary system. Fluids in the muscles are pushed into the lymphatic system, which is then filtered and excreted via the urinary system. After