Denton County Living Well Magazine January/February 2017 | Page 16

Seeds Planted

The principle of reaping and sowing is not just about money . When we plant a seed it will bear fruit . And just as a tree bears certain fruit based on environment , etc ., we can bear healthy , good fruit or rotten fruit . When we encourage and lift up others , the word says we will be watered or encouraged in return . We all know people who are just life giving and fun to be around . We ’ re better people for hanging around them . Then there are others who sow seeds of discord and negativity everywhere they go . We can feel drained by being with them even for a short amount of time . Seeds — seeds of money , seeds of the spoken word , time , talents , the list goes on and on . God put this law of reciprocity in the universe . He is a giver and likewise , we should give . I love this story of a little boy named Josiah . His name means “ fire of the

Lord .” He was born Oct . 4 , 2005 , a healthy baby boy . At 22 months old , he experienced a dramatic shift , lost eye contact , words , and play skills . When Josiah was diagnosed with severe autism , his mom felt like they had been handed a prison sentence . No known cause , no known cure . How could a good God have allowed this to happen , and how could she find hope for their future . But Josiah ’ s parents sowed seeds of prayer . They looked to every source available for answers and above all they looked to God . Tahni said she wouldn ’ t even say she had great faith , she just kept trying to trip in God ’ s direction .
Five years later Josiah was still nonverbal . He had not been traditionally taught to read or write , but Tahni learned of a particular method . Children who were otherwise thought to have minds of a toddler were actually taught to learn and spell through pointing at letters on a stencil board or paper . Tahni introduced the iPad . One particular day she read from The Children ’ s Bible , the story of Jesus healing the blind man . Tahni wrote the words heal and play on pieces of paper . She asked Josiah , “ Did Jesus H-E-A-L or did he P-L-A-Y with the blind man ?” Josiah correctly chose the word heal . So Tahni asked him to spell the word using the letters on the iPad . And Josiah began typing . When he pressed the letter G , his mom thought he missed it . But to her amazement he went on to write his first independent sentence . And it was this — God is a good gift giver . A whole new world was opened as Josiah ’ s parents were able to communicate with him . What was his favorite color , his favorite foods ? But there was more . Josiah began to type profound wisdom about heaven ,
14 DENTON COUNTY Living Well Magazine | JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2017