Dental Sleep Medicine Insider November 2016 | Page 13

EACH DAY, WE GET TO CHOOSE HOW WE WILL RESPOND TO LIFE’S CHALLENGES. Bitterness rears its ugly head every time someone in my office says the word “insurance.” Patients look me in the eyes, tell me they understand exactly how important it is that we treat their severe sleep apnea, and in the same breath, tell me they have to get their dog’s surgery done first. “You know, those veterinarians aren’t like you real doctors; they want all their money up front, BEFORE you even get treatment!” “Dr. PCP, what do you mean you won’t sign the LOMN? WHY not? The patient has a disease that is slowly sucking the life out of him each night. It’s knocking days, months, years off his life. Is it medically necessary to treat? Of course it is!” “Dr. Drake, the insurance company has asked for more documentation before they will pay…..again. I’ve sent it to them several times already…….” If you’ve been practicing dental sleep medicine for any length of time, then you feel my pain. It’s a real challenge. But stay the course. Endure. Hang tough. Be persistent. Stick with it. Remain determined. Persevere. Each day, we get to choose how we will respond to life’s challenges. Think of it all as a game. Get up for it. Play it. Play it well. Don’t let them get you down. Don’t let them pull you down to their level. Take the high road. Your patients sleep better, feel better, and live longer, because of what you do. Now, why not you? Be the best you can be, and provide the best service to your patients you can. Choose better over bitter. Stay the course. Endure. Hang tough. Be persistent. Stick with it. Remain determined. Persevere.