Dental Sleep Medicine Insider July 2017 | Page 24

RYAN JAVANBAKHT A BRIGHTER HORIZON WITH INCREASED ACCESS TO CARE I n 2015 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released clear and indisputable information regard- ing sleep apnea. It declared that sleep apnea had become a na- tional epidemic yet 85% of Ob- structive Sleep Apnea (OSA) pa- tients are still undiagnosed. This is a problem. In 2011, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) admin- istered board certification to 1,575 physicians in sleep. Since 2012, there have only been 150 new physicians a year that have been board certified in sleep. This means the number of new- ly-boarded sleep physicians each year has decreased by more than 90%. Can you imagine if your pro- duction dropped 90%? Access to care for OSA patients will become even more challenging as time progresses. This is a HUGE problem. Let’s consider some “realistic”, diagnostic options. Without get- ting into a long discussion on whether an in-lab Polysomno- gram (PSG) or a Home Sleep Test (HST) is a “better” sleep test, let’s evaluate some factors and fig- ures. • At least 30% of patients who are prescribed an HST by a dentist never follow through with testing. • Anecdotally, over 80% of patients sent by a dentist to a sleep lab never follow through with testing. • Most patients who refuse to go to a sleep lab for testing aren’t aware of an HST option. These are obviously, huge obsta- cles that dentists must face when trying to help their patients with sleep and airway issues. Regardless of which vehicle is used as a sleep test for patients, a board certified sleep physician is needed to read and diagnose the sleep test. The best-case sce- nario for a dentist is to have a lo- cal sleep lab that is HST-friendly, with a board certified sleep phy- sician who is aware of the clini- cal validations for oral appliance therapy, who is also willing to work with a dentist in a multi- disciplinary approach. Because these relationships are not al- ways easy to foster, dentists are encouraged to utilize a home sleep testing service in conjunc- tion with a board certified sleep physician, to obtain diagnoses, and deliver effective therapy. There is a SOLUTION. Dentists are now able to refer patients for an HST and patients can utilize a home sleep testing monitor in the comfort of their own bed! Innovative technol- ogy, coupled with progressive dental teams brings us nearer to a brighter horizon… on a verge of “the tipping point” where we will decrease the staggering 85% undiagnosed patients that suffer with OSA; therefore, changing our current landscape and in- creasing access to care. The question now becomes: what’s standing in our way? If we all want to help more patients toward a healthier lifestyle with fewer co-morbidities, let’s do it. Let’s make a difference with pur- pose…on purpose. Patients need you. Ryan Javanbakht, Co-Founder of is an organiza- tion built on the foundation of their core values to conduct a more effective sleep testing model. His mission is to minimize barriers to testing and increase access to care.