Dental Health Magazine Dental Health Magazine Issue 8 | Page 58

Issue #8, December 2017 58 experienced as Wellington was so night, which I simply could not fathom, a doctor if I remember correctly, windy that the plane shook like crazy! I went to the travel agent and booked explained that it was a psychological the next flight back to Sydney. I effect of being very far away and cut immediately slept normally again off from a mainland/continent that I stayed with an old South Korean friend and colleague and his family upon returning to Sydney . resulted in my sleeplessness in New in a beautiful hillside residential of Wellington. We had a very pleasant time together time but by then that strange feeling I had manifested itself even more. I could not sleep at right – not a wink!. After a few days by which I got more groggy due to lack of sleep, I took a train to Christchurch . I saw more sheep then people during the few hours ride, and shared and empty coach with four noisy men with an endless supply of beer. At some point, I moved away from them and one guy asked, “What’s the matter mate, do we smell?”. Yeah, bingo mate! My plan was to go on to Queenstown after Christchurch but after two further completely sleepless Zealand, which in fact is geographically I related this experience to several people over time until someone, in the middle of nowhere and far from the nearest mainland continent (talk about being exiled!). I wonder if many