Dental Health Magazine Dental Health Magazine Issue 8 | Page 48

Issue #8, December 2017 48 FAKE DENTISTRY Fake dentistry has become a hot issue in the country recently when an individual who reportedly learned to practice orthodontic treatment from YouTube, was arrested and subsequently released. Fake dentist, street dentist, Tukang Gigi, unlicensed dentists have been found not only in Malaysia but thought out the world. In India, street dentist performed complicated dental procedure on patient using medieval equipment. There is no clinic, no chair, no electric drills, patient just sit on a stool and hope the ‘dentist’ will solve their dental problem. Patient is taking a huge risk where the tweezers and pliers are never sterilized, only wash in disinfectant. Here, in Malaysia, there are fake dentists wandering in the market providing quick fix of missing tooth, the denture. The Malaysian Dental Association even released a statement warning the public to take this seriously “ Among the many negative impacts of seeking services from fake dentists include complications that are not only unmanageable by the fake dentists but rendering the disease even more complicated to treat, and may incur higher cost.” “Infection control is often compromised and the risks of contracting a dangerous infection such HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and probably airborne diseases such as Tuberculosis not only poses a threat to the patients but also to the fake dentists themselves. “  The perception that dentistry skills can just be self learned online is dangerous and irresponsible.   Dentistry is a medical profession, the knowledge learned from websites is always insufficient. Dentistry is not only treating the teeth but attending the patient as a whole, especially those with medical compromised patients. Dental procedure requires an understanding of how teeth work, of safe dental materials and practices and there’s also the maintenance and aftercare to consider. Social media has become a haven for advertising dangerous products and services where there is no safety certification but merely rely on testimonials. Article By Dr. Goh Sze Harn DDS (UKM) The general public needs to carefully look for a practitioner who is legally registered with the Malaysian Dental Council. The dentist should have a current year Annual Practising Certificate displayed in the clinic. The ignorance of the public will help the rise of the unlicensed dentists. Shouldn’t it will ring the bell when a dentist asked for a charges that sounds too good to be true? Shouldn’t it seems weird that a dentist treat a patient in the market, in the hotel? The issue of fake dentist will continue as long as there is public demand for it. Why put your health at risk when you can find a registered dentist that is dedicated to improve your smile?