Dental Health Magazine Dental Health Magazine Issue 8 | Page 45

Issue #8, December 2017 Immediate loading of dental implants do work. If cases are properly evaluated and selected, the appropriate techniques, materials, and protocols are used, immediate loading for single units and large cases, in the maxilla as well as in the mandible can succeed. Over the last 20 years, in an effort to improve and increase the integration of dental implants into everyday clinical practice, dentistry has significantly modified and enhanced many of the initial clinical guidelines for implant placement. Because of the nature of osseointegration, implants need stability and good blood supply in order for the bone to grow to the surface of the implant. Therefore, if clinicians don’t ensure excellent placement of the implants by selecting an implant that has the best capability of providing stability (i.e,it is long enough and has the most appropriate macro surface design), ensuring that there is sufficient bone, and verifying that there’ is adequate blood supply (i. good width of bone), then no matter how nice the final crowns look, the process is going to fail. 3-D technology: the new paradigm for dental implantology A combination of CBCT with 3D photography what will allow us to superimpose your image onto the 3D X-ray and plan your treatment that is in harmony with not just your mouth but face as well. This is particularly important in cosmetic dentistry, especially in placing immediate implants . 45