Dental Health Magazine Dental Health Magazine Issue 8 | Page 4

Now Everyone Can Smile #08 Editor Dr. R. Rajenthiran B.D.S. (S’pore), P.H.F, FICD, FADI Editorial Team Dr. R. Rajenthiran B.D.S. (S’pore), P.H.F, FICD, FADI Dr. Hj Firdaus B. Hanapiah BDS (N.Z.) MSc (Lon), FDSRCS (Eng.), FICOI, AMM Dr. Bala Saravanan B.D.S M.R.A Editorial Assistants A Theivanayaki R. Vanitha Creative Team MotioFixo Sdn Bhd Art Director Fariz Hanapiah DTP Artist Ellina Amin Business Advisor Azlan Adnan. MA International Business and Management Public Relations S.S. Kumar Advisory Panel Dr. Hj Firdaus B. Hanapiah BDS (N.Z.) MSc (Lon), FDSRCS (Eng.), FICOI, AMM Dato’ Dr How Kim Chuan B.D.S (S’pore), MSc Orthodontics, FDS RCS (Eng. & Edin), FICOL (USA), FWCLD, FWFLD Laser (USA), FICCDE, FICD,FAID. Dr. Kathiravan Purmal BDS (Malaya), DGDP(UK), MFDSRCS(London) MOrth (Malaya), MOrthRCS(Edinburgh) FRACDS(Australia), MOMSurg(USM) Orthodontist - Oral & Maxillofacion Surgeon Dr Maniarasu Poonjolai BDS (Malaya), MDS (Malaya), AM Malaya, FRACDS (Syd), DGDP (UK), RCS (Eng), FICD, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon. Dr Chow Kai Foo BDS (S’pore) FDSRCS (Eng), FICD, AM (Malaysia) Assoc. Prof Dr. Rathna Devi Vaithilingam BDS (Malaya), MClinDent (Perio) (Malaya), Faculty of Dentistry, Uni. Malaya Dr Sharon Lee (BDS (Adel) MDSc (Melb), Prosthodontist Mej (Dr) Faiz Khaleed, Malaysian Astronaut, National Space Agency ANGKASA. Dr. Ezani Farhana binti Mohd Monoto - Dental office at the University Health Centre, UPM Serdang Printer Terang Nusa Resources Marketing & Distribution Paramsothy S Disclaimer Universal MEdiDent Sdn Bhd (UMSB) (454315-H) Editorial material herein is provided for information only. Readers are cautioned not to use this information as a substitute for regular professional health care and consultation. Although great care has been taken in compiling and checking the information given in the publication, the publisher, authors, advisors and agents shall not be responsible or in any way liable for the continued currency of the information or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this publication whether arising from negligence or otherwise howsoever, or for any consequences arising there from. The inclusion or exclusion of any product does not mean that the publisher advocates or rejects its use either generally or in any particular field or fields. Advertisement are subject to editorial acceptance and have no influence on editorial content or presentation. The publisher, authors, advisors, and agents do not guarantee, directly or indirectly, the quality or efficacy of any product or service described in the advertisements or other material which is commercial in nature. Copyright: © 2017 No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, resold, redistributed, in any form by any means electronic, electrostatic, without prior written permission of the publisher.