Dental Health Magazine Dental Health Magazine Issue 7 | Page 50

Issue #7, September 2017 50 Issue #7, September2017 We LIFESTYLE : Travelling in arrived Colombo checked into Galleface and the Hotel which was a sort of SERENDIPITY IN SRI LANKA ‘heritage’ hotel in the same light as the Raffles in Singapore, except it had not been properly refurbished then. By tradition we were not given a key to the room and there was always a dhoti-clad attendant outside our room, waiting to open or close our door as we come in or go out, and just be there as some sort of sentinel. I found it strange and a bit unnerving at times. The next day we decided to go to Kandy, the cultural and spiritual capital of Sri Lanka . It was a few hours train We declined but the young man ride away. But for some reason the kept himself stuck us. And he as right! train was so full of people your could When we arrived in Kandy, there was hardly move in it. People were sitting an endless sea of people and it was on the floor and at every available almost impossible to move around, space, even on the roof. An eager- what more to find our directions. So beaver of a young man approached us the young man Hassan, a Sri Lankan and explained that Kandy was hosting Muslim, became our guide. a grand Perihara (parade) that evening for the inauguration of Sri Lanka’s Second uk te d de par 2017 0 9 MA Y 17 y 20 1 5 ma 013 ADB 1 0 MA Y 2 0 1 7 RED IVE 7 DEL 201 D EPA RT U R E EB F 05 #210485 - H O N KO G NG - ABDC 11 JUN 201 7 A R R IVA L In February 1978 I spent an 8-day holiday in Sri Lanka with a friend, travelling through many parts of the island. It is indeed one of my most memorable holidays. President Julius I had never seen so many people Richard crammed in one place as on that day Jeyawardene. He offered me to be our in Kandy. Of course all the hotels were guide and warned us we would never full but Hassan found us a room in one find our way in all that enormous crowd, Mrs. De Silva’s Guest House at a very what more an accommodation. central location. What a relief. We were 51