Denmark 2019 Denmark 2019 | Page 18

AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY The Danish agricultural industry is among the most knowledge-based and efficient in the world The Danish agricultural industry is among the most knowledge-based and efficient in the world. Denmark has a temperate climate and a high percentage of arable land, which are favorable to agriculture. These factors have enabled Denmark to become a major exporter of agricultural products, producing almost three times the amount of food needed to feed its population of 5.77 million. D enmark’s temperate climate, flat landscapes, and fertile soils, provide ideal conditions for agriculture. This, coupled with the high efficiency of Danish farmers, explains the high national agricultural output. Even though Denmark has a population of 5.77 million, the country produces enough to feed around 15 million people. After processing and value addition, this excess food is exported to countries across the globe. Agriculture is a key sector in Denmark and accounts for 25% of the overall Danish export of goods. Germany, UK, Sweden and China are the main export markets, while pork, fish and dairy are the main agricultural products exported by Denmark. 18 In Denmark farms are typically quite large, averaging 70 hectares. Many farms produce field crops, with the main crop being cereals. Around 75% of all cereal is utilized as animal fodder. A large proportion of Danish farms also engages in livestock, particularly for meat, fur, and dairy production. Animal welfare is of the highest priority to Danish farmers and consumers. High standards for animal health and well- being are implemented and maintained throughout the entire value chain. Furthermore, agricultural production in Denmark is very resource efficient with a low overall environmental footprint.