A Final Thanks~
There are times in life when “Thanks” just doesn’t
seem to cut it and this is one of those times.
We started the year with huge goals. I wanted to
raise $20,000 for the co-op this school year. A goal
I thought lofty until Katie Moore signed me up for the
Events and Fundraising position and upped the ante
by sighting a goal of $30,000. I thought it impossible.
Thanks to trash bag and pizza sales, Make-It plates,
shopping nights, restaurant nights… and most of all
an amazing group of dedicated parents–we begin the
auction evening with more than $15,000 raised to
date. What had seemed impossible might actually be
For those attending the auction, thank you for your
generosity. I hope you pick up some amazing deals
and I really hope you are generous. Please remember
that we are here for a great cause. SCPC needs your
continued support – so bid, bid, bid!
Thank you to my Events & Fundraising team: Corey
Siembieda, Laurie Daddino, Rae Portillo, Heather
Cibor, Lisa Kelly, and Christy Logue. Lisa and Corey
you are the real diamonds of this event. Thank you
for all of the help and support you have given me
throughout the year. There is no way this auction
would have happened without you.
Thank you to former auction coordinators Jen Novak,
Katie Moore, Katie Epperly, and Carrie Groff for your
advice, ideas, donations and help.
Thank you to the many businesses – local and not so
local, and some huge corporations, who donated this
year and, in many cases, year after year. Gathering
donations was a surprisingly uplifting and fun experience. I am in awe at the generosity of businesses big
and small, especially in t