Demur Magazine - Contrast - April 2017 Contrast - April 2017 | Page 40

to talk about and criticise these things . For example , I ’ m an immigrant , so we wrote a song about what it ’ s like to be an immigrant . We also have a song that ’ s titled “ None of Your Business ”, and another song called “ iRelationship 2.0 ”, which reflects mockingly on how we interact with things like online dating and how it ’ s just not possible anymore to go over to someone and be like hey , let ’ s go on a date , you ’ re always just swiping right on your phone , right ?
Do you think the mixing of social media with dating has made it a lot harder for people to ask each other on dates face to face ? Exactly , because we created this routine that you have to follow . I think we are so afraid to go back in time and just approach a random person in public , because we are so much busier now and online dating is just more convenient .
What sort of reaction are you getting from people when they hear your music ? We ’ re getting a really good reaction . We haven ’ t officially released a single yet and we ’ re getting lots of comments on our music and lots of followers who are excited for us , it ’ s unbelievable ! But even if the album comes out and no one listens to it , I would still be happy with it because it ’ s something that I love doing , it ’ s all fun . whatever your heart is telling you . It ’ s good to get advice , but still make sure at the end of the day you hold back a little bit , because after all it ’ s your art .
If you could collaborate with anyone , dead or alive , who would it be ? That ’ s a really tough one , I have so many names in mind , but anyone who would ask to collaborate with me I ’ d just say yes , lol . But I ’ d love to collaborate with Benjamin Booker , I love his music and the good vibe he has .
If you could use any fashion item to describe yourself , what item would you choose and why ? Sunglasses , to hide my regrets !
Where can we keep up with Jackie , her lemons , news and releases ? We are on a lot of online platforms , we have our website , as well as a Facebook page , and an Instagram page . I ’ ve been trying to get into twitter , but it feels like I ’ m an old person trying to learn the internet from the beginning , it ’ s too much for me !
www . jackiegotlemons . com
www . facebook . com / Jackiegotlemons www . instagram . com / jackiegotlemons soundcloud . com / jackiegotlemons www . reverbnation . com / jackiegotlemons
What sort of advice would you like to give to other bands starting out ? I ’ m normally the one who takes advice , I listen to everyone as much as I can and try to get as much feedback as I can . Just love what you do and fall in love with your creations . That will reflect in your work . What is the best advice you ’ ve ever received ? “ Don ’ t get drawn to what people are saying , and just do what you like so that you don ’ t move too far away from what you originally wanted to do .” Go with