Demur Magazine - Contrast - April 2017 Contrast - April 2017 | Page 3
Dear Loyal Readers
As I sat down with my girls to plan our annual city getaway, news came of the recent vicious crime
that was committed in London. An acquittance who overheard of our plans encouraged us to put
our plans on hold whilst we waited for “the world to be right again.” When will that be, I thought to
Every day we are waking up to unpleasant events all over the world, some here at home and some
far ashore. The many calamitous events we are witnessing, are affecting millions and as troubled
as we maybe, we are still able to get a good night’s sleep in the hope that we will wake up to a
reassuring update on the news. These many disastrous events, have instilled fear in some of us, fear
to pursue our dreams, fear to experience life, fear to challenge the status quo and fear to exist. How
long should we wait before “the world is right” so that we can start living again?
Some of us may not be in close proximity of these events, but that does not mean we are exempt
from an assuming duty of care. Duty to create the change we want to see in the world, duty to
encourage one another and duty to ensure there is fair bargaining so as to avoid conflict, which in
turn leads to these unwelcomed events.
Demur is a place of escape and a celebration of some the things that are right and enjoyable in this
world. A picture can paint a thousand words and Cool Ras Art is helping us spread positivity as he
shares his art and works with us. Jackie Got Lemons remind us that life is for living in colour and
not living up tight and Neni Uberi and her team present a wonderful editorial, showing we can co-
existence in Contrast and still paint a beautiful picture.
A Fashionable Culture is a life that is lived with no limits and to the fullest. Embracing and sharing
everything you are and espousing some from others. For the world to be right again, we have to
make it right. What is your contribution?
Until next time…
Noreen Chada, Editor, @noreenchada
Noreen Chada – Editor
Shirley Dee- Copy Editor
Alice Diamond- Staff Writer
Kay Samuel- Editorial Assistant
Nicole Samoto – Social Editor
Stella Dzingai – Contributing Writer
Harrison Madzivachando – Creative Content Manager
Design & Art Direction by D'zynmax Concepts
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