Demo 1 | Page 12

22 CHU Wenchang and DI CLAUDIO Leontina Recalling (B3.1) and then noting that Q0(n) = δ0,n, we deduce that ∞ Y (1 + xqk ) = 1 + k=1 1+m ∞ X xm q ( 2 ) (q; q)m m=1 which becomes the Euler identity under parameter replacement x → −x/q. In view of Euler’s Theorem A2.1, we have a bijection between the partitions into distinct odd parts and the self-conjugate partitions. The self-conjugate partition λ = (653221) with the Durfee square 3 × 3 For a self-conjugate partition with the main diagonal length equal to m (which corresponds exactly to the length of partitions into distinct odd parts), it consists of three pieces: the first piece is the square of m × m 2 on the top-left with bivariate enumerator xm qm , the second piece right to the square is a partition with ≤ m parts enumerated by 1/(q; q)m and the third piece under the square is in effect the conjugate of the second one. Therefore the partitions right to the square and under the square m × m are altogether enumerated by 1/(q2; q2)m . Classifying the self-conjugate partitions according to the main diagonal length m, multiplying both generating functions together and summing m