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20 CHU Wenchang and DI CLAUDIO Leontina It is obvious that µ is a partition of |λ| − (1+m 2 ) into ≤ m parts. As an example, the following figures show this correspondence between two partitions λ = (97431) and µ = (4311). λ = (97431) µ = (4311) It is not difficult to verify that the mapping (B3.2) is a bijection between the partitions of n with exactly m distinct parts and the partitions of n − (1+m 2 ) with ≤ m parts. Therefore the generating function of {Q (n)} is equal to m n  1+m that of {pm n − (1+m , the number of partitions of n − } with the ( ) ) n 2 2 number of parts ≤ m: ∞ X Qm (n) qn = n=0 = q( ∞ X  n pm n − (1+m 2 ) q n=0 1+m 2 ) ∞ X n=0 pm (n) qn = 1+m q( 2 ) (q; q)m thanks for the generating function displayed in (B2.4). This completes the proof of Theorem B3.1.  Instead of the ordinary Ferrers diagram, we can draw a shifted diagram of λ as follows (see the figure). Under the first row of λ1 squares, we put λ2 squares lined up vertically from the second column. For the third row, we