10 Things We Learned from Our Night with Demi Lovato on Her World Tour

We’re here to tell you ten things we learned from our night with the “Neon Lights” singer:

1. She’s a fan of The Following. Her reason: “I love Kevin Bacon.”

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2. She’s a big fan of Halloween, too. Can’t wait to see her costume!

3. Sorry, parents, but she curses likes a sailor. But she swears she’s a good role model despite her potty-mouth.

4. She’s really into the piano right now. This past weekend, she performed on her piano for the first time — sans singing. Usually, she says she covers up her flubs with her voice — “because I have a loud voice” — but she wanted to show off her skills. And it was glorious. SIDE NOTE: She also played the drums AND guitar. What what.

5. Demi’s got warriors for friends. One of D.Lo’s openers is a man named Spencer West. He has no legs, but he still managed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. How? ’cause he’s a warrior; a survivor. #inspiring

6. She exercises for fun now. All about that healthy living.