Lighting is important in video and film production the correct lighting can determine the mood of the scene and can evoke a more dramatic or subtle palette for the film. Usually Low key lighting is used in these movies since they instantly make the scene more dramatic since low key lighting promotes a more dramatic or subtle palette for the film which is mainly the back ground or the most important part of a movie.
Romance films make a use of both lowkey and highkey lighting, since brightly lit or “High-Key” scenes tend to be more cheerful and upbeat, while darker “Low-Key” scenes hold more intrigue.
Hence why in Demented, Yusra Farooq has claims to have used a mixture of lighting, both high key and ''Lowkey". She has used natural lighting for her shots that are in the open and used low key lighting for them. For her shots indoors, which include Jade she used ''Highkey'' lighting
Lowkey lighting
HighKey lighting