fUndació piLar i Joan Miró in paLMa
From 23rd June 2017
From 23rd June, the Fundació Pilar i Joan
Miró will be celebrating 25 years of the
museum’s opening with an exhibition of
Miró’s works on loan from the Museo Reina
Sofia in Madrid and Centre Pompidou in
Paris. Pictures will be on display that have
never been seen on the Island before.
Ab dem 23. Juni feiert die Stiftung Pilar i
Joan Miró das 25-jährige Bestehen ihres
Museums mit einer Ausstellung von Miró-
Werken aus dem Museo Reina Sofia in
Madrid und dem Centre Pompidou in Paris.
Zu sehen sollen auch Bilder sein, die bisher
noch nie auf der Insel gezeigt wurden.
art LoVers saVe the dates
The ArtPalma Brunch will be held at the
beginning of April, ArtPalma Summer in June
and the 21st Nit de l’art in September.
Der ArtPalma Brunch findet Anfang April statt,
der ArtPalma Summer im Juni und die
21. Ausgabe der Nit de l’art im September.
Wasted BY British
rapper Kate teMpest
20th March at Teatre Principal
Play about three young
people struggling to find
meaning in their lives.
Theaterstück über
Jugendliche auf der Suche
nach dem Sinn des Lebens.
“In 2015, the Sunday
Times declared Palma
de Mallorca the “best
place to live in the
world”, naming its
old town with its
architectural treasures,
its wonderful climate
and its beaches within
walking distance.
Less attention however
was paid to its
calendar of events
which boasts an inter-
national repertoire.”
Birgit Unger, editor of deLUXe Magazine
for the BLog KULtUr24-BerLin.de
31st opera season at
teatre principaL de paLMa
Verdi’s Macbeth
5th, 8th, 10th & 12th March 2017
Mozart’s Così fan tutte
2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th April 2017
Bizet’s Carmen
10th & 11th June 2017