Deluxe Mallorca Magazine Frühling 2017 1.3.2017 | Page 48


Mallorca : Retreat and Inspiration

A guest contribution for Deluxe Mallorca Magazine by management expert Boris Grundl
As a keynote speaker he fills halls in Germany when he talks about the power of one ’ s own imagination . His books Steh auf ! and Mach mich glücklich show us how to determine our own lives . When Boris Grundl is not travelling on behalf of his Grundl Leadership Academy , he lives in the south-west of Mallorca .

J ust now I am sitting on my terrace in Sol de Mallorca . Naked . In January . In the sun . To my left the deep blue sea . To my right pine woods . To my left the gentle sound of the waves . To my right birdsong . Glorious . In Germany at the moment it is very cold . I am grateful for this second home . Grateful for the freedom to choose . Grateful for being financially independent . The success of the past 15 years still seems to me a little ‘ unreal ’. It has resulted from a combination of goals , talents , opportunities , concentration , consistency and luck . But we all know the flip side of the coin . Stress leads to overload . And things go downhill from there . It is said that a fool learns nothing from his mistakes , a clever man learns from his mistakes and a wise man learns from the mistakes of others .

In my search for wisdom I have found the perfect place here – the perfect antidote . Stress gives way to relaxation . Intensity gives way to reflection . Getting stuck in gives way to letting go . Pushing something through gives way to thinking it through . The Island offers me a completely different way of working from the one I usually allow myself . My everyday working life as a motivational speaker and coach in a wheelchair requires dedicated preparation . Meticulous planning , carefully choreographed routines and many many miles on the road . For someone who is 90 percent disabled this requires a great deal of effort . You can leave nothing to chance . Any kind of deviation uses up extra energy . And I hate that . Because it means I have less to give to my clients . That irritates me .
Our lives are accelerating so fast . The increase in tempo , complexity and transparency is augmented by a constant striving for growth . Perhaps sometimes you too think : just a little more . Better health . More profit . More energy . More freedom . More sex . More fulfilment ... in short the self-optimisation trap . Nearly everyone wants to be happier and more successful . What helps is changing your viewpoint . I , too , strive for growth . But I invite you to see things from a different perspective .
I hope you will allow me to offer you a little coaching . As I see it there are two ways to view growth . Superficial growth . And inner growth . Let us start with the superficial . Anything new is incredibly attractive : a new house . A finca perhaps . A new job . A new relationship . A new goal ... you know how it goes . But great as these things are , they are mostly just superficial .
Then there is the internal stuff : seeing your ‘ old ’ partner through new eyes . Seeing your