hands. They stopped suddenly; then I heard water dropping from the tap. It was close to the barn. I went there, and turned it o?. My mom always told me to install a tap behind or next to the barn to water the birds, and the animals, rather than going inside the house. Proudly, I like everything related to my mom. Although this tap is non-living, but, for me, it is more than living, triggering my exuberant memories with my mother. My mom was raising animal and birds, such as hens and doves. She liked the doves most. Once I asked her why she loved the doves most- I never forget these minutes- When she was about to answer, my father called her, then I never asked her that question. It is a question; I could not bother myself with such questions. I did not feel well that time; every day had – and has- its own problems. After her death, I was very closer and closer to the doves, watching them for many days. Doing that, I live in Animal World: no worries.
I discovered that the male and female doves are very devotees to each other, their marriage catholic: no divorce, they both sitting on the nest, they both leaving the nest and searching for the food, they both feeding their kids. Finally, I wished to be a dove. I missed my mom. I turned on the lights. The living room was very calm: no voice except my breath: no winds except the clock. I though my sister was asleep up in her room. I disrobed my coat, and sat on the coach. I Laid myself on its back, bending my head backward to look at the ceiling. I caught the remote control, and turned on TV. Nothing interesting. I was very thirsty, so quickly I went to the kitchen. I could not believe my eyes; I saw blood spots on the ?oor. I bent down to sense its wetness, but it was dry. It was seven hours ago; since when I left home. I looked back, and I found a trail of blood directed towards the living room next to the wall. It ended at the threshold . I looked right and left to know the source of