Delta Tri-Angle 2014-3 | Page 4

Colas Safety Awareness Week The SEMO Quarry team shows support for Colas Safety Aware ness Week Ready Sikeston es at the rtance of Employe the impo safety lant know Mix P Illinois Const ruct celebrating in ion Crew Du Quoin nt ipme Equ week nts & afety (Pla s ham s about arn rry F r) speak tone Je eS age Man liamsvill il at W Employee s at Dexte r Sand & G discuss sa ravel fety with J erry Neels Manager) (Safety and Mike M artin (Area Manager) e t has th lan y Mix P r Read e” Dexte Attitud “Safety Heartland Asphalt Materials in New Madrid are proud of their incident Ke n free safety approach Pla nett Re ad nt is rea y Mix prom ote s dy to afety The c re Hot M w at the Po ix Asp plar B ha lu the “S afety A lt Plant dis ff plays ttitude ” Asphalt Hot Mix ortable joined in the The p Dexter afety Plant in n of Colas S o ti celebra ss Week e Awaren nt phalt Pla Mix As rnon Hot Mount Ve ty meeting afe holds a s 4 Delta Triangle Newsletter 2014 | ISSUE 3 Sha n John e Kelley Arka Bennett (Region al nsas (A emp rea Ma Safety C n loye es a ager) ta oordina to bout lk safe to Delt r) and ty aw a As ph aren ess alt of yees emplo aving nch while P APEX enjoy lu ssing discu fety sa Poplar B luff Rea dy Mix P teamwo lant emp rk to sta loyees u y safe se