Towards establishing a different social consciousness:
with the Quranic verse {And about
the bounty of your Lord, do talk}
talk}, the fragmented interpretation and practice
of which has led to many people living absorbed
lives, resulting in a state of solitary existence and
eventual withdrawal from society. It is therefore
imperative that we reinterpret many verses that
result in social maladies, and it is with this verse
that we will begin.
There is no doubt that improper social
practice is based on distorted misinterpretations
of religion, or selective interpretation in which
text is taken out of context. Indeed this is what
we have found in our society with reference to
the verse {And about the bounty of your Lord, do
By: Imad Al-Abbar
Weddings in the Ukraine
and drums in Syria
posts made to the online page reflect the
cognitive and psychological status of a certain
segment of the Syrian society, discussing how
simple platforms for political participation can
go beyond their local framework to deal with an
international event.
In the online world, recent events in the
Ukraine have surpassed the European media
sphere to become a topic of discussion on
social media forums by Syrians. For example,
the online page ‘Give a piece of advice: from
Syrian to Ukrainian rebels’ seeks to tackle the
Ukrainian situation from a local, spontaneous,
Syrian angle. This article sheds light on how
By: Riham Kousa
Delta-N Journal
Summary Edition - June 2014