DelNature Biennial Report 2014-2015 | Page 5

Natural Spaces and Resources over 1.6 million children, families and adults who have participated in our environmental education programs, volunteered on our preserves, supported clean water initiatives, helped our sustainable farming operations, and supported healthy ecosystems and wildlife habitats. Our commitment to advocacy inspired a movement to engage our community in environmental causes, and has led to the conservation of some of the most important natural areas in Delaware, including Brandywine Creek State Park, Delaware River Watershed, and the coastal areas of Delaware with the passage of the Coastal Zone Act. Furthering our commitment to water quality, Delaware Nature Society launched the “Clean Water: Delaware’s Clear Choice” campaign in 2015 with generous funding from the William Penn Foundation. This goal of this statewide outreach campaign is to secure additional Clean Water funding and engage residents and decision makers in these efforts. Many of Delaware’s waters are polluted, limiting residents’ ability to swim or fish and impacting drinking water. The campaign continues to offer opportunities for individuals to learn more about their local waterways and water quality issues. With all the accolades, none of these accomplishments would be attainable without the dedication of countless individuals who have made our mission their own. In the words of our Founding Board President, Lynn Williams, “Nature education starts with acquaintance, then understanding and appreciation, and finally a sense of responsibility for nature’s world.” We look forward to being a relevant organization for another 50+ years, demonstrating that awareness, understanding, and action are our best strategies to ensuring a healthier, more sustainable Delaware.