Dell Technologies Realize magazine Issue 5 | Page 89

“ I Will Always Be Me ” is a digital picture book that enables individuals with MND to bank their voices , easing future communication difficulties .
Association , adults have a 1 in 300 chance of being diagnosed with MND , and more than half of patients die within two years of diagnosis . The cause of MND is unknown and there is no cure .
In light of these disheartening statistics , the idea for “ I Will Always Be Me ” was born . In 2019 , Goldup met with Stuart Moss , head of IT Innovation at Rolls-Royce , whose father passed away from MND in 2014 . “ We had an audacious plan to bring together big tech to solve for
[ challenges associated with MND ],” recalls Goldup . “ We thought if we could get it right for MND , we could get it right for so many other diseases and disabilities .”
Soon after , Dell and Intel signed on as partners , zeroing in on a technological solution that could support Moss and Goldup ’ s mission of easing communication difficulties for MND patients .
Voice banking became an obvious — and essential — component .