“ We found out that there are different ways to get to the right answer — there ’ s not one definite answer . Also , it helped me build confidence ,” says Pasion . “ If others don ’ t have my answer , it doesn ’ t mean it ’ s wrong . It could also be the right answer , just a different answer . I ’ ll definitely be applying that every day .”
“ It also helped me learn how to listen for other ideas ,” adds Valdivieso .
A BRIGHT FUTURE According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center , Hispanic people accounted for nearly one in five people in the U . S . in 2020 ( 19 %), up from 16 % in 2010 and just 5 % in 1970 . They ’ ve become the largest racial or ethnic group in California and are projected to make up 28 % of the U . S . population by 2060 , a percentage that will be impossible to ignore . Cruz feels the growing Latino population presents an opportunity for tech companies to source new talent . Meanwhile , she believes it ’ s essential to offer Latino students the chance to continue their STEM studies throughout their schooling . “ The opportunity is there . The jobs will be there . We — teachers and folks like me — need to find a way so that they have the opportunity to be involved as well . Because these are kids that are low income , and schools are struggling just to teach them core subjects ,” says Cruz . “ The community needs to come together with the school , which is part of what we do at LNESC Oxnard , so that we ’ re able to prepare these students for the jobs of the future .”
Pasion and Valdivieso also noted some of the challenges in finding a STEM curriculum during the school year . Both expressed a desire to see more robotics and coding classes at their school and hope to recruit their friends to experience the different programs at LNESC Oxnard , which will again include robotics in its summer 2022 lineup .
“ I would definitely encourage them to go to the program . It ’ s not difficult — it ’ s just your mentality ,” says Valdivieso . “ If you have a great mentality where you say you can do it , then anything is possible .” ■
“ The community needs to come together with the school , which is part of what we do at LNESC Oxnard , so that we ’ re able to prepare these students for the jobs of the future .”
— Dr . Maria Elena Cruz