Dell Technologies Realize magazine Issue 4 | Page 80

objective, which they accomplished last year, involved replicating the results from that proof of concept with public data available through Google Earth Engine, a cloud-computing platform that stores large satellite-image data sets.“ We chose to start with public data because it helps us establish a baseline for what we can accomplish with minimum cost, and there are a variety of different satellite collections available on the platform,” Mitchell explains.
Their focus now, Mitchell says, is on developing a general monitoring model and then using it“ to make as many predictions as we can.” They hope, for example, to be able to estimate the total annual carbon emissions of individual plants, and they’ d like to eventually interpolate between predictions to create“ granular profiles” of each facility.
AIMING HIGH As of now, according to Isabella Soldner-Rembold, a data scientist on the Carbon Tracker team, the program is using data from just a handful of satellites. Different satellites have different orbits, she explains, and the imagery each one is able to provide depends on its location at different times of day.
The coalition doesn’ t own the satellites in its network, but instead relies on the data feeds from commercial and government satellites like the European Space Agency’ s Copernicus Sentinel-2. Such satellites are preferable to anything they might launch independently because many have been collecting data for years.“ When training machine learning algorithms, more training data generally increases the accuracy of the model,” Soldner-Rembold says. The initiative is still in the research and development phase, but the team hopes to release data as early as fall 2020, and to eventually— perhaps within two years— have data from enough satellites to enable round-the-clock monitoring“ of every power plant across the entire globe.”
Her current focus, Mitchell says, involves using machine learning techniques with Earth Engine to process not only their satellite data but also“ ground truth” data from power plants themselves. The coalition’ s AI algorithms, she explains, can analyze a range of indicators of power plant emissions, whether it’ s a thermal infrared image showing signs of heat or certain colors in an image suggesting the presence of smoke. This information, in turn, can help them determine whether a facility is a“ baseload plant” that operates most of the time, or if it’ s more likely a“ peaker plant” that only generates electricity during very high demand.( Peaker plants are typically high emitters of CO 2 and other pollutants.)“ This data is helping us see things we could never see before, and to really understand the actual impact” of any given power plant at any time, she says.
Looking ahead, Mitchell and Soldner-Rembold believe the data their organizations make public will be of great interest to a wide variety of stakeholders. Investment firms, for instance, may use it to better understand the financial implications of climate change and to steer their clients away from high-cost polluters. Activists may turn to the same information to lobby politicians for policy changes, and governments keen on meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement may use it to drive their countries toward a cleaner future.
In the end, Mitchell predicts, the people it will benefit most“ are those who are willing and really want to initiate change, but right now are unable to because they don’ t have the resources.” If the project helps to turn the tide,“ I think we would call it a success.” ■
See Dell Technologies’ vision for advancing sustainability by 2030. DellTechnologies. com / ProgressMadeReal​