Dell Technologies Realize magazine Issue 1 | Page 6

CONTENTS ISSUE 1 Departments TRENDS 6 How Blockchain Is Transforming Health Records 10 Facing the Skills Gap 14 These Drones Are Saving Lives 26 RESEARCH 20 Realizing 2030: The Era of Human-Machine Partnerships Dell Technologies surveys 3,800 global leaders on the future of business VOICES 22 The Ultimate Differentiator By Karen Quintos, Dell Chief Customer Officer 86 5 Lessons in Leadership By Pat Gelsinger, VMware CEO THE INTERVIEW 26 The Human Side of Transformation A conversation with Brian Reaves, Dell Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer TRAILBLAZERS 82 Privacy Please The story of privacy from analog days to the digital age THE STORY 90 Goal or No Goal? A Luminaries interview with the CEO of GoalControl THE LIST 96 5 Tools for the Global Worker By Allison Dew, Dell Chief Marketing Officer PHOTO (LEFT) BY BUFF STRICKLAND; (TOP RIGHT) COURTESY OF AEROFARMS; (BOTTOM RIGHT) BY PASCAL PERICH