Delaware Nature Society Annual Reports | Page 3

Dear Members and Friends: Over this past year of change and transition, the Delaware Nature Society made great strides in fulfilling its mission to foster understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the natural world through education; preserve ecologically significant areas; and advocate stewardship and conservation of natural resources. Following are some highlights that stand out in our minds: Fundraising Remained Strong in ‘08 The Delaware Nature Society’s Annual Giving fund reached a total just shy of our all-time high. In 2008, $254,115.26 was raised from 828 donors. Additionally, our Capital Development Program raised $506,531.40 for the Coverdale Farm expansion project including the renovations of the Education/Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) building. Reaching a New Audience “The Nature of Delaware” is the Delaware Nature Society’s blog featuring Field Trips, Outdoor Observations, Mike Riska, Executive Director and Environmental Topics launched in 2008. It is here that we will update recent field trips and show photos of our adventures, reveal interesting natural spectacles we come across, discuss the environment and conservation in Delaware, and generally blog about fun and exciting happenings within the Delaware Nature Socie K