Deering Estate Arts Eleven Voices Exhibit Catalogue | Page 6

avid collector of South African Art from lithographs to historic objects. Hungry for meaningful interactions with artists and institutions in Miami, Petra eagerly committed her collection for the exhibition. This meeting was the preface to a lovely friendship and transformed the possibilities of ELEVEN VOICES. Her collection, most of which has not been exhibited in Miami, became the core authentic voice of South African art in ELEVEN VOICES. Conversing with Petra in front of her collection, Rosie and I were inspired by the connection that Petra described as “quite subversive”- how the South African artwork spoke to the 2016 US election drama. The works from Diaspora Vibe artists began to dialog directly with works from the Petra Mason and Mikesell collections. ELEVEN VOICES came together through these extraordinary women and their efforts and was beautifully interpreted and researched by Deering Estate Registrar and ELEVEN VOICES Assistant Curator Ms. Francis Oliver. As a museum professional, Francis has created interpretation and curatorial support for six seasons of exhibitions at the Deering Estate and has brought great insight to this particular exhibit and catalogue. Many thanks to all involved as I feel we brought a meaningful conversation to our audience and community. Kim Yantis, Cultural Arts Curator, Deering Estate Co-curators Rosie Gordon-Wallace and Kim Yantis. Artwork by Gerard Caliste. Photo by All-Star Photography.