Deering Estate Arts Eleven Voices Exhibit Catalogue | Page 20

AFRO MAGAZINE Artists’ magazine Published by The President Award-winning Pan-African publication Peet Pienaar, Editor Heidi Chisholm, Designer Early 2000s From the Collection of Petra Mason ‘Artists’ book, AFRO has been in my collection since 2004. Artist Peet Pienaar explained the impossible to place piece: “It was about new writing and exploring African principals in design. No linear engagement. Appropriating Western symbols and logos with new African meanings. Like, Nike means ‘cool and urban’ and Coke means ‘shop.’ The writing was all from new and then-unknown writers and photographers from all over Africa.” There is no codex in ‘AFRO’, and it reads like a concrete poem. To open it you have to unwrap it like a giant wrapped candy. Putting it back together is a puzzle.’ -Excerpt from Petra Mason’s Curatorial Essay