DEEP Service Magazine Spring/Summer 2014 | Page 29
A “Civic Sense”
Siena College is
featured as an
institution of
higher education
engagement in
sustained ways.
Drawing on their connections to more than
two decades' experience in the Bonner network,
Deepening Community Engagement in Higher
Education: Forging New Pathways (Palgrave
Macmillan, September 2013) features chapters
by more than a dozen institutions of higher
education that practice community engagement
in sustained ways. The volume features
strategies to promote community engaged
learning that is deep, pervasive, integrated, and
developmental, qualities recognized by the
Carnegie Classification. Respected scholars and
practitioners present proven models for student
leadership and development, sustained
partnerships, faculty engagement,
institutionalization of campus centers, and
changes to teaching and learning. According to
Brian Rosenberg, President of Macalester
College, "The continued vitality of American
higher education will depend in part on the
development of strong partnerships with the
communities and organizations beyond the
boundaries of any campus. This volume is a
wonderful guide to how such partnerships are
being developed now and how they might be
developed even more successfully in the future.
This article was taken from “A Civic Sense”, an
occasional spotlight from the Corella & Bertram F.
Bonner Foundation for leaders of community
engaged learning.
AmeriCorps Members Celebrate
AmeriCorps Week by Showing
Commitment to Service
By Adriana Battle, Siena AmeriCorps*VISTA Fellow
This March, the AmeriCorps members in Siena ACE’s programs
celebrated National Service Week by participating in a weeklong
campaign with many activities that showcased our commitment
to service. The purpose of this week was not only to celebrate
our love for service but also to highlight all the hard work
AmeriCorps members have done this past year.
This year’s National Service Week took place March 24t with
many ways to get involved. The week kicked off with a day of
direct service, giving participants the chance to experience a
more hands on approach to volunteerism. Participants could
choose between a few opportunities including helping with
children’s activities at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Albany, sorting
food donations at the Regional Food Bank, or removing brush
and debris at the Albany Shaker Historical Site.
On Tuesday, we were able to attend an Open Mic Night at one
of the Siena VISTA Fellow’s service sites, Albany Barn. The
Open Mic Night featured talent from all over the Capital
Region including poets, singers, guitarists, and hilarious
comedians. The night gave us the chance to relax and get a bit
creative while supporting a great organization.
Our grand finale took place right on Siena’s campus in the
President’s Dining room. After a fun filled week we all came
together to sit down for a nice meal and reflect upon what we
learned and share highlights from the week. We also had fun
learning proper dining etiquette along the way and, paired with
our nice attire, we got to feel a bit fancy for a while.
All in all, the week turned out to be a very fun and relaxing
experience. It was a great way to step back from what can be a
very hectic and busy environment. It is easy to forget about the
impact we are having on our communities and I believe we all
felt a sense of renewed commitment to our service sites and our
projects. The recognition an appreciation we received in that
week reminded us all that what we are doing is valued and
appreciated, and that appreciation goes a long way!
DEEP Service Magazine | Page 29