Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson’s From Decision-Making to Daily Life with DBS | Page 7


What Is DBS ?

Deep brain stimulation is a surgical treatment for Parkinson ’ s disease ( PD ) symptoms . It can be immensely helpful in the right person . But it ’ s not for everyone , it hasn ’ t been proven to slow disease progression and it ’ s not a cure . As with any treatment and with Parkinson ’ s disease itself , each person ’ s experience with DBS is unique .

DBS was approved for Parkinson ’ s by the U . S . Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) in 1997 . It ’ s estimated that , to date , more than 200,000 DBS devices have been implanted in people worldwide . DBS involves placement of thin wires , or leads , into the brain areas that control movement . These wires connect to a battery , which delivers electrical stimulation to ease motor symptoms , like tremor , slowness and stiffness .
Currently , three companies offer several DBS devices . And research and innovation toward smarter devices , easier programming and broader symptom control remain strong . The Michael J . Fox Foundation has long invested in DBS , with over $ 14 million and counting , and a commitment to support better DBS treatment for the widest group of people possible .