Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson ’ s
Questions to Ask Your Team : After Surgery and Beyond
Post-op follow-up Q What to expect in terms of pain , soreness , swelling ? Q Where are the incisions ? How should I care for them ? Q Activities to do or not do ? Q When can I shower or bathe ? Swim ? Q Are there staples or stitches to remove ? When ? Q Can I use shampoo , lotion , perfume or other scents , or deodorant ?
Return to work Q When ? Any restrictions ?
Driving Q Okay ? When ? Any restrictions ?
Other limitations Q Is it okay to drink alcohol ? Q Are there restrictions on exercise , such as weightlifting , swimming or other activities ? What type and for how long ? Q What about travel ? What to know about flying , driving or other modes of transport ? Tourist sites or other places to avoid ? Getting local care , if needed ?
Q Who programs the device ? How do they work with my
Parkinson ’ s doctor ? What ’ s their experience with DBS ? Q When does programming begin ? Q How often are visits for adjustments ? Q How long until I ’ ll feel “ normal ”? Q Can I control the device ? How ? Q Any option for remote programming , through virtual visits or telemedicine ?
Other considerations
Q Any limitations on MRIs , x-rays , or other medical or dental procedures ? Q What about future research participation ? Q What ’ s the best way to keep up with advances in programming ?