Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson’s From Decision-Making to Daily Life with DBS | Page 41

37 snowboarding and horseback riding . Talk with your DBS clinicians before doing any new or more intense activities with DBS .

+ Battery recharging If you have a rechargeable battery , how often and how long you need to charge depends on several factors . These include your settings and your charging schedule . Some people “ top off ” for 10 or so minutes every day or every other day . Others let the battery go lower and charge for one to a few hours every week or couple of weeks . The longer you go between charges , the longer it ’ ll take to fully charge the battery . Typically you can move around and do light activity around the house while charging .
Medical and Dental Procedures
Inform or remind providers about your DBS before any procedure , treatment , or alternative or complementary therapy . Bring your ID card and personal programmer to all appointments .
+ Brain and body imaging With all currently available DBS devices , you can have most imaging , such as ultrasound , x-ray ( including dental x-rays and DEXA scan ), CT scan or MRI . For MRI , the device must be set to specific safety settings or placed in “ MRI mode .” The MRI center should also use appropriate “ low energy ” settings and equipment , so it is best to get your MRI at a center with DBS experience , if possible . For mammograms , pads should be positioned or rotated to avoid pulling or placing pressure on the device or wires . Make sure the radiology technician has experience with DBS or cardiac pacemakers , which are similar .
+ Medical testing Turn DBS off during brain wave ( EEG ), heart rhythm ( EKG ) or nerve conduction and muscle ( EMG / NCS ) studies to avoid interfering with readings or results .
+ Medical procedures and surgery Avoid diathermy , or “ deep heat ,” which delivers energy to muscles and tissues to treat pain , joint problems and other issues . Do not have transcranial magnetic stimulation ( TMS ), which uses magnets that impact brain signaling to treat certain conditions . If you have kidney stones and need lithotripsy , which breaks up the stones , make sure your doctor knows to avoid your device . If you need cardioversion for a heart condition , like atrial fibrillation , turn the device off . Do not use hyperbaric chambers , which could damage the system . During most surgeries , DBS should be set to “ surgery mode ” or turned off . Always speak with your programmer and Parkinson ’ s doctor before any surgery , where possible .
+ Massage or chiropractic treatment Avoid head turning , neck twisting , other head and neck manipulation . Do not get massage on the neck , scalp or chest , or directly over or near device components .
+ Dental care Most dental care is fine , but your dentist may need to make slight adjustments for specific procedures . You should also take antibiotics before major dental work , including root canals .
Hospital and Emergency Room Visits
Keep an up-to-date list of medications and doctors in case you have to go to the hospital . Add your DBS device information and team member names to that list . When going to the hospital for any reason , take your ID card and / or a copy of it , personal programmer and battery recharger , if applicable , just in case you have a longer stay . Remind every provider you see , especially those who order or do any medical test or procedure , about your DBS . Nicely , but firmly , request that your hospital team communicate with your DBS team and Parkinson ’ s doctor , particularly if they are at separate locations or centers .
Life with DBS