Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson’s From Decision-Making to Daily Life with DBS | Page 30


Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson ’ s
Questions to Ask Your Team : The Surgery
Potential risks of surgery
Q What are the possible risks with surgery ?
Q How likely are these ?
Q What are potential complications related to the device ?
Q What about battery replacement risks and complications ?
Medications Q Do I have to stop before surgery ? Which ones ? For how long ?
Q When can I resume ?
Q How do I adjust medications following surgery ?
Surgical procedure Q Do you shave my hair ? How much ? When ?
Q Will I be awake or asleep during the procedure ? If awake , for which parts ? How long will I be awake ?
Q How can I communicate with my surgeon if I ’ m uncomfortable or in pain ?
Q Will both leads be placed at the same time ? Or is there an observation and recovery period between ? How long ? Why ?
Q How long does surgery take ? Who will communicate with my loved ones ? What should they expect ?
Hospital stays Q Required ?
Q After which procedure ?
Q For how long ?
Q What should I know about or plan for during hospital stays ?
Q Do I need to bring my own medication ?
Q What else should I bring ?
Q Should someone stay overnight with me ?