Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson’s From Decision-Making to Daily Life with DBS | Page 3

How to Use this Guide

The Michael J . Fox Foundation developed this resource to help people and families with Parkinson ’ s disease ( PD ) understand and navigate the complex and emotional experience of deep brain stimulation ( DBS ). We worked with members of the Parkinson ’ s community , movement disorder specialists , a neurosurgeon and a nurse practitioner who ’ s a DBS programmer to bring you a complete guide on deep brain stimulation , from how to think about having the procedure to its outcome , decades into life with the device , and everything in between .

Each section focuses on a particular period in the DBS journey — before , during and after surgery — or on an important aspect , like potential risks or complications . There are examples of questions you can ask your care team , highlights of ongoing research , stories of people and families who ’ ve had DBS , and tips for loved ones and care partners .
Use this guide however it ’ s helpful to you . You can skip to the most relevant parts , start at the beginning and see where it takes you , or flip to the personal stories . Our hope is that this resource helps you round out what you ’ ve learned , start or continue conversations with your care team and loved ones , or feel more informed and supported in your Parkinson ’ s journey .