Deep Brain Stimulation and Parkinson ’ s
How and How Long DBS Works
Exactly how DBS works is unknown . Experts believe it interrupts abnormal brain cell signals . These signals are how cells talk to each other and how the brain directs movement , regulates mood and drives other parts of daily life . In Parkinson ’ s disease , brain signals become irregular and uncoordinated , causing motor symptoms . DBS introduces a more regular signal in the form of electrical pulses , and this lessens motor symptoms .
Some people who ’ ve had DBS say it seems to “ turn back the clock .” Those benefits — especially less tremor , stiffness , slowness or dyskinesia — can last for years or even decades .
But like all Parkinson ’ s therapies , DBS is not a cure . It does not slow disease progression . With time , new symptoms , such as imbalance or cognitive problems , may appear . These , unfortunately , do not respond to DBS and might make DBS feel less effective . These symptoms also may require medication adjustment or addition of other treatments , such as physical or speech therapy .
Available DBS Devices
Currently , there are several FDA-approved DBS devices available from three different manufacturers . What these devices have in common :
+ Benefit Each works as well as the others . While they haven ’ t been directly compared , they are all equally effective .
+ Basic components and mechanisms This includes brain leads , connecting wires and a battery .
+ Battery options They all offer both rechargeable and nonrechargeable batteries . Rechargeable batteries typically last longer . Across DBS devices , rechargeable batteries vary in how they charge ( wirelessly or plugged in ), equipment required to charge , and how often and for how long they have to charge .
Through The Michael J . Fox Foundation-supported RAD-PD DBS Registry , researchers are collecting and examining data about people who undergo DBS — when , for what symptoms , with which device , in what part of the brain and more . Following individuals over time will deepen understanding of the best DBS timing , lead placement and procedures and , ultimately , better guide clinicians and patients in pursuing this therapy .
+ Brain wire capabilities All brain leads allow the programming clinician to guide electrical stimulation toward areas that improve symptoms and away from areas that cause side effects . This is called “ directional stimulation .”
At the same time , each device is unique . They have slight variations , such as wires that can deliver stimulation in novel ways or record brain signals , or devices that can be programmed remotely , while you and your clinician are in separate locations . These subtle differences , how much you wish to interact with DBS by adjusting settings at home , and the surgeon and programmer preference may lead you and your team to pick one device over another .